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December 26th

Just looking around, at the beautiful blue sky, enjoying the sun, and letting go of all that was deep down inside of me for a long time, on a piece of paper.

Here I am, writing my first blog in Dubai, feeling never more released than now, finally found the courage to unleash all that had been buried deep within me for far too long.

Many years ago, I discovered a passion for sharing my daily experiences with all of you, my dear online friends.

I find myself so, but so happy in all of this.

And today, as I embark on this journey of blogging, I am filled with a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation.

Honestly, I am still excited about how to start and how to do it, but let’s try.

Just six months ago, I found myself trapped in the darkest place of my being. Shackled to a job that brought me no joy, surrounded by toxic individuals, and engaging in activities that were completely out of my alignment with my true self.

On top of it, financial burdens weighed heavily upon me, with mounting debts and countless installments to be paid.

Reflecting upon that period in my life evokes a bittersweet mix of sadness and gratitude.

But, there was a small, maybe the smallest hope deep in myself that was pushing me so hard forward, and giving me smiles after my tears.

And yes, I do want to share all of this because that was essential at that time, so I could sit with myself and talk in the mirror, quashing myself:

Yoania what’s wrong?

However, I believe all of us at one point in our lives are feeling damaged, closed, not happy at all, empty, and scared…

So I find my passion as a way to help you win your fight, try your best, be your best, and just live the best life ever.


And here I am, living in Dubai, living the life I was dreaming about months and months ago, with zero chances and opportunities to make it true. Now, everything changes. I changed it.

And you can be the next one because I will help you to get up, fix your make-up, put on your best outfit, turn on your confidence, and open the door of your dreams.

Look, I’m still not there… but I am going there and you are coming with me.

Thank you for being here!

This is your journey, already started.

Dream big, stay strong, and embrace your journey.

With all my heart,

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